Josiah was born in Hugo, Oklahoma, a small town in southeast Oklahoma. Some of you may have heard of this town by “Circus City USA.” Born in 1982, Josiah has an older and younger sister. “We were all raised on Christian values and had a simple life. I can still remember the backyard picnics we would have with the family”. When Josiah was still young, his parents divorced. Josiah and his sisters stayed with their father in the family home. Josiah’s father met his stepmother shortly after, and they became a blended family. Josiah went from having two sisters to having three sisters and a brother. “Life was hectic growing up, but this is a part of my identity, and because of it, I became a better police officer.”
Josiah moved out of his family’s home when he turned 18. “I was still in high school when I moved out, and this was not my finest decision.” Struggling to finish high school, Josiah also had responsibilities added to his plate. “I was like any other teenager. I knew everything, and my parents were idiots. I wanted to give just enough to finish school and work just enough to pay my bills and not get fired. The rest of the time I spent chasing girls and drinking beer.” After getting into a silly fight at school, he was suspended and ultimately transferred to Antlers High School, where he barely finished.
Young Adult
In his young adult stages, Josiah married his high school girlfriend. They had two children together throughout the ten years together. Josiah worked off and on for his father at his auto repair business. He was unhappy with his career and, at times, wondered where this life would take him. One day, while at work, he heard a vehicle crash in front of the shop. He quickly ran outside and saw a vehicle upside down in the ditch. He ran to the vehicle and saw an elderly lady trapped inside. “I remember yelling inside the vehicle. Hey, are you okay?” The lady inside the car was trapped, and Josiah helped her out of the vehicle. “It was from that moment and that feeling on that I knew what I wanted to do”.
The Early Years
Hugo Police Department hired Josiah in July of 2005, where he began his career as a Police Officer. Josiah went through a short FTO before being released on his own. “I was young and had no idea what I was doing.” In December 2005, the Choctaw County Sheriff’s Office offered Josiah a position, and he happily accepted. In January 2006, he attended the 9-week CLEET academy. “This was a room full of 98 officers stuffed in a room getting information poured into their minds at a rate impossible to retain.” In April 2006, he graduated and returned to duty. “One thing I wished I learned at a young age was loyalty.” This was something he struggled with throughout his career. In the early years of his career, Josiah would bounce back and forth between the Hugo Police Department and Choctaw County Sheriffs Office. “If I didn’t like what was happening at the department, I would quit and go down the road. Both departments always needed certified guys, and I and many others took advantage of it“.

Choctaw Nation Light Horse Police
In 2013, Josiah was hired by the Choctaw Nation Tribal Police, known today as the Choctaw Nation Light Horse Police. This was more than a job for him and finally felt like a career. “I was so proud when I got the call that I was hired. I walked into headquarters in Durant, Oklahoma, and was issued more gear than I even knew what to do with.” This was going to be his last police job, and this was going to be where he retired from.
The Crash
April 19th, 2012, was not a typical day to begin with. Thursday was usually an overnight shift for Josiah, but this day’s schedule changed due to the annual PT test. Josiah woke up that day and drove to Durant, performed his PT test, and then met some of the guys at a local restaurant to eat lunch. After eating lunch and going home, Josiah clocked in around 6 hours for the day. Knowing he had about two or so more hours to complete an entire shift. Around 8 pm, he went to work and planned to meet some of the other local officers to meet for dinner. While waiting, Josiah was dispatched to a shots fired call where deputies from Choctaw County Sheriffs Office needed help. Josiah responded Code 3. During the response, Josiah caught up to Deputy Brian Hayden, who also responded to the assistance call. Josiah saw Brian move over to the shoulder. “I just thought he allowed me to pass since I was in the faster vehicle.” Josiah took the center of the highway and began to pass. Brian made what looked like a U-Turn and pulled into Josiah’s driving lane. “I’ll never forget what I felt and heard.” Josiah’s patrol vehicle hit Brian’s patrol truck in the driver’s door. Brian Hayden passed away from the crash.

Life After the Crash
Life was never the same after the crash. Josiah was numb and did not understand what was wrong. He attended Brian’s funeral while still on crutches from the accident. Josiah was mentally a wreck but had no idea how to communicate the amount of pain he was in. The guilt and shame overtook his mind. Over the next six years, Josiah would leave the career he loved, gamble, drink, attempt suicide, and make so many terrible decisions to keep track of.

2017 Josiah moved from Hugo, Oklahoma, to Owasso, Oklahoma. His two children from his earlier marriage were living there with their mother. Josiah knew he needed a change in his life and took a chance, taking a job at a local auto dealership. In October 2017, Josiah met his current wife. “It was God’s plan for us to meet. Whitney is a therapist and, within a few months, knew I was suffering from PTSD. She saved my life.” Josiah married Whitney in November of 2019, and in 2021, they had their son.

Josiah is still working in patrol for a department in northeast Oklahoma. Life is not perfect for him, but he has a beautiful life. Josiah is seeking his degree in counseling in hopes of helping others. “My goal in life is to help one more. Helping others is what I originally wanted to do, and now I’m helping first responders.”

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